Building materials

At Aboriginal Contracting Connection (ACC), we pride ourselves on bridging the gap between the construction industry and quality, sustainable building materials. As specialists in procurement services, particularly for government projects, our main objective is to seamlessly connect contractors with the most robust, versatile, and cost-effective materials available in today’s market. From timber and steel to personal protective equipment (PPE) and clothing, ACC is your ultimate one-stop procurement solution.

Why Choose ACC for Building Material Supplies?

Diverse Material Selection:
Whether you’re seeking top-grade timber for a foundational project, resilient steel for a high-rise, or industry-specific PPE and clothing to ensure safety on the job, ACC has curated a vast network of suppliers to meet the myriad needs of our clientele.

Streamlined Procurement Process:
Our team understands the intricacies of government projects. With bureaucracy and stringent requirements often being challenges, ACC ensures a smoother, more efficient procurement process, helping contractors stay on schedule and within budget.

Quality Assurance:
Quality isn’t just a word; it’s our promise. We meticulously vet every supplier and product in our network to ensure what reaches you is of the highest standard, guaranteeing not just safety and compliance, but also long-term value for your investment.

Sustainable Practices:
At ACC, we believe in a future where construction and conservation go hand in hand. Our commitment to sourcing sustainable materials reflects our responsibility to our land, future generations, and the broader ecosystem.

How ACC Streamlines Your Material Procurement

Customized Material Lists:
Based on your project specifications and requirements, our team can generate tailored lists of materials. This bespoke approach ensures you receive exactly what you need, eliminating wastage and optimizing cost-efficiency.

Volume Discounts:
Leveraging our expansive network and long-standing relationships with suppliers, ACC is positioned to negotiate volume discounts, ensuring you get the best value for your investment.

Timely Delivery:
With a focus on just-in-time delivery, we coordinate with suppliers to ensure that your materials arrive exactly when you need them, minimizing storage costs and maximizing project efficiency.

Consultative Approach:
Our team isn’t just about procurement; we are advisors, ensuring that you make informed decisions about materials, considering factors like project longevity, environmental impact, and cost.

Ongoing Support:
ACC’s relationship with clients doesn’t end after the delivery. Our post-purchase support ensures that you have all the necessary information about the materials, including care, maintenance, and any warranties.

We are partners in your construction journey, ensuring each project not only stands the test of time but also reflects the values and standards that are core to our identity. Trust ACC to deliver excellence, every time.